Day 5

Day 5

Skyros 2019 · 10. October 2019

Distribute packages + distribute toys

Today we bring the prepared packages with food and hygiene items to the needy people. The first woman we visit lives alone in a very small apartment. She is a pensioner and very sick. She is very grateful for the package. Next we go to a man who lives with his brother. He is also in poor health. The third package goes to a single mother. Unfortunately, these people get little help from outside, so they are all happy and grateful for the packages.

We also brought several cuddly toys to the nursery. Four of us including Silvia went to the nursery. We had 2 boxes to unload. We opened the boxes with the teddy’s inside and about 15 children had a huge joy! They laughed, clapped and played together afterwards. It was very nice to see how the kids were able to engage with them and they all said thank you.

-Shannon, Melina, Elena, Anastasia

Finishing the sandboxes

This morning the whole team met at the kindergarten in Molos. Since Andrea, Nico and Daniel dug the hole for the sandbox the night before, we were able to get started right away. Everyone pitched in and assembled the sandbox. It was sanded, painted and screwed. Just in time for break, the children could watch us finish everything and start playing right away. In the afternoon we filled up the other sandbox with the remaining sand. One by one we found several children’s chairs that needed to be repaired. Of course we took care of that as well.

-Michi E., Lola, Andrea

Nico is everywhere

In the morning he helped to finish the sandbox in the kindergarten in Molos. He dug the hole yesterday with Andrea and Däni and has now screwed the frame together. After the frame he helped to spread the sand and to dig it in. After that he went with them to the nursery, because they are getting a new PC, a printer and a telephone. Together with Silvia he tried to understand the mess of cables and to make everything work. There were some difficulties but everything worked and now everything is running. In the evening he helped to transport the material for the school.


Simon creates the websites

Today the two websites for the A.O. Skyros (soccer club) and the theater group were created and set up as requested by the customers so that the clubs only have to add the content and translate some headlines.

For tomorrow a meeting with the representatives is planned where the function of the website tool will be explained.


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