Material donations

Material donations

Every year we organise a transport of relief goods, which travels to Greece at the end of July and unloads goods on the island of Skyros. We distribute these during our week of work. Through lively exchanges with the islanders beforehand, we learn what materials they might need. We have already brought various medical materials, toys, writing materials, sewing machines, instruments, etc. to the island.

We look forward to your support!

Wishlist 2023

List will be published at the end of April 2023 if we need anything.

Contact and address of the collection point

The relief goods may be delivered to the address below. It is advisable to call in advance so that someone is on site to receive the goods. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at the following address.

Katholische Landeskirche Thurgau
Fachstelle Jugend
Franziskus-Weg 3
8570 Weinfelden

Tel. +41 71 626 11 31